Workshop Topics

Presented by: Dr. Shelby Aitcheson

High Performance Mindset Coaching

Advanced Emotional Regulation: Dissolve & Integrate your Emotions

Players will learn the advanced neuroscience of how their brain works and learn simple & practical tools of how to dissolve any emotion & sensation they are experiencing.

Players will also get access to tools they can use for specific situations for Mind-Body Integration. These include but are not limited to: increasing focus, attention, clarity & calmness of mind.

Advanced Emotional Regulation: Re-Write Your Story For Success

Players will learn the Power of Re-wiring their thoughts & beliefs so they can create a reality that aligns with their personal and team goals.

Advanced Emotional Regulation: Dissolving Fear & Performance Anxiety

This workshop is an integration of Part 1 and Part 2 with a focus on dissolving Fears & Performance Anxiety.

Players will have the ability to begin mastering the ability to shift their emotions, thoughts, beliefs and understand the impact of how it affects their performance and fulfillment of their goals.


Every successful person & team understands the importance of believing in themselves. In this workshop we will address any doubt, or lack of belief in the individual players as well as the team as a whole. Players will leave this workshop with a deep sense of belief, confidence and trust in themselves, as well as their teammates.

Break the Positive Thinking Myth: Discover an Advanced Approach to Peak Performance

Have you ever been so frustrated, mad or angry and someone says "just think positive"...only to have you feeling MORE angry? Learn how to shift your negative emotions...FAST, Reliably & Consistently by understanding the neuroscience of the mind. You will also learn how to leverage your thoughts for peak performance.

Shift your State: Become a Master of Energy Flow in your Body

Players will learn practical & simple techniques to increase & harness their energy, reduce fatigue & scatteredness, restore their vitality, improve their concentration and focus for their performance. Players will learn the awareness of their body's energy requirements and how to reset their energy for ultimate performance.

Discover your Intrinsic Drivers for Unlimited Motivation

Players will uncover their intrinsic driving forces that underlie all of their behaviour and be able to use this knowledge for unlimited inspiration and motivation. Athletes are not "procrastinators" or "lazy". They simply do not know their true WHY. When they discover their True North Star, they can implement any action consistently to create a level of mastery & performance.

THE ULTIMATE BUY IN: Embodying an Inspiring Team Mission

Once players have discovered their intrinsic drivers they will undergo an exercise to embody how their values and intrinsic drivers are being fulfilled through the team's inspiring mission. This is where individual players become One and "buy -into" the team's mission.

This Workshop will increase an individuals commitment, motivation, engagement, productivity, consistency, inspiration, team cohesion to fulfill the team’s goals & mission.

Advanced Behaviour Change: Cultivating High Performance Habits

Success is the culmination of 2% daily growth over time. In this workshop players will discover their highest priority actions & habits that are required for exponential growth. They will learn how to discern what actions are priority and how to say No to distractions.

Players will learn and apply the neuroscience of the brain to change any behavior they have or implement a new high performance habit in their routine.

Discover your Highest Priority Actions for Success

This workshop is a great RESET and priority check for the beginning of a new phase of a season (Ex. Off-Season, Pre-Season, First Half, Second Half, Playoffs).

In this workshop you will learn how to discern and prioritize your highest priority actions for the fulfillment of your goals. You will learn how to schedule your daily actions in a way that matches your innate rhythm and flow. You will learn how to be consistent with the implementation of your actions and developing new habits. This workshop is essential for developing clarity and prioritization of your habits.

Optimize your Time for Productivity & Success

Your outcomes in life are directly related to and a culmination of the way you think and the actions you take on a daily basis.

In this workshop you will learn how to identify critical habits & actions for success and implement them in your daily schedule to experience flow in your day. You will learn what your unique natural rhythm feels like so you can schedule your actions & habits accordingly to reach your desired goals.

OWN YOUR ROLE: Discover your Unique Genius

In this profound workshop, players will discover their hidden unique genius and embody their truth on a cellular level so they can bring their performance both individually and as a team to the next level. Players will discover their unique role and contribution to the team and be able to focus on competing and not comparing themselves to other individuals.

This workshop will create a profound level of connection for players to move forward as One.

Dealing with Criticism & Feedback Like a Pro

Players will uncover the secret hidden principle of Challenge & Support. By the end of this workshop they will be able to receive feedback with gratitude and appreciation to enhance their performance and mental resiliency. This workshop will enhance communication between coaches and players, and individual players.

Advanced Visualization

Players will learn how to dissolve their brain noise & mental chatter so they can access the most advanced working center in their brain. From this state players will be able to access the primary key to flow. By utilizing these tools players will be able to learn how to access the Flow state more readily to enhance their performance.

Expanding Confidence & Leadership

Players will bring their confidence and leadership to the next level through this embodiment Workshop. This workshop has the ability to untap & expand human potential in a very short period of time.

Players will learn where self confidence and self esteem comes from and how to own their worth from the inside out. This workshop will expand players resiliency and gratitude for their unique gifts.

Seeing the Play Before it Happens: Intuition Optimization

Players will maximize their intuition to be able to see and read plays before they unfold according to their unique genius.

This workshop will teach individuals how to access different brainwave frequencies to optimize their performance.

Dealing with Challenge, Loss & Adversity

Players will learn the advanced neuroscience of loss and gain and be able to turn any challenge or experience into an opportunity to generate momentum, growth and inspiration.

Play with More Freedom & Ease

Players will discover how to clear their brain noise and distractions efficiently and effectively, regardless of what is happening in their life, so that they can be fully present in the moment and perform their best in the moment.

Pre-Game Routine Mastery

Players will discover what is the most efficient and effective habits that get them in the zone for flow & performance. Players will learn how to master their pre-game routine so they are focused, present and ready to perform regardless of what is occurring in their personal life outside of sport.

Accountability & Ownership

In this workshop players will adopt a Ownership & Accountability Mindset. They will move from finger pointing and blaming to taking full responsibility for their actions. Players will develop a new sense of trust within themselves and their teammates.

Reclaim Your Internal Power

In challenges or adversity, players can often feel like they have lost their power, and even claim a victim stance. In this workshop, players will learn how to take responsibility & accountability for whatever circumstance they are in and reclaim their power and confidence so they can remain focused on the team's mission & vision.

Pride Before the Fall: Staying Humble at the Top

For any winning team, players must learn how to stabilize their Mind & Body “at the top”. This workshop focuses on balancing & integrating the emotional volatilities that come with being successful.

Custom: Design your Perfect Workshop

Every team's path to success is individual and unique. You have the opportunity to have Dr. Shelby design a custom workshop to meet your desired outcomes & goals.

Advanced Workshops

1. Uncovering Negative Team Patterns & Dynamics

2. Dealing with Substance Mis-use and Inappropriate Behaviour

3. Dealing with Toxic Players & Team Culture 

4. Recurring Injuries & Health Problems: advanced healing & vitality through the subconscious & Presence.

5. Dissolving performance Anxiety & Fear

6. Dissolving feeling down, fatigue, lack of motivation and the feeling of being stuck.

7. Understanding your Team Dynamics & how to shift them through advanced Behavioural Dynamics

8. Dissolving fear of job loss & job security

9. Discovering "what's next": getting clarity in the next steps in your life & creating an inspiring NEW vision

10. Integrating "Old School" mentality with the ever-changing & evolving game.

Here’s what clients have to say about this work…

"You are an alchemist. What you are doing is truly magical. It really really really really works. I just want to express my gratitude for what you are doing." 

-MR, Ontario, Canada.

"Firstly, thank you, thank you, thank you. The session was off the scale and I actually couldn't believe what came up for me. I loved that working with you allowed me to TRUST myself and to allow me to be fully present with whatever needed to come through. I also made so many notes because so much of what you were teaching us was like gold dust - really fine yet incredibly valuable." 

- RR, England.

"I’m still mesmerized by our last session together…. It was epic to say the least. I am feeling a sense of rebirth with all the information we processed together :) Today I was mindful of being present and talked myself through some recurring thoughts and emotions and it was pretty darn cool." -AD, Ontario Canada.

"Wow! This call is opening up so much for me. I didn't see these possibilities before. The lightbulb just went on -I feel like a lot of energy was liberated in this call. Intellectually I knew this, but I've never felt like this before and embodied it in this way. I couldn’t be any more grateful right now. That was huge. Thank you."

-RB, Florida, USA.

"Oh F*ck! That clearing was insane!!!! I legit feel like I have my power back. You are the only person that has been able to shift me at this level" - WB, Perth Australia.

“That session was very insightful. I have been going to therapy for years and we were able to transform 2 of the most painful moments in my life in 90 minutes”

-EF, Executive Director, Kitchener, ON

“You’ve changed my life. I went from not earning a dime in trading in the past 9 years to having 4 sources of income and earning $60k in one month. My sleep is better than ever. I used to drag myself out of bed each morning. After coaching with you I love my life” - NS, crypto investor, Kitchener, ON.

"HOLY F*CK! THAT WAS WOWWWW!!!! I understand my purpose so much deeper and the multiple layers and phases of it. I'm feeling love and support from the universe. There is also such a shift in the way I feel everyday which is massive. I was historically anxious and planned every minute of every day. My planner is empty for the next couple weeks. This has exceeded expectations for what I thought I could feel every day."

-KP, Ontario, Canada.

Get Results with High Performance Mindset Coaching

With Dr. Shelby Aitcheson.

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